A lot that's really not so good.
OK, downright yucky.
But He is right here with us, even though I'm struggling to see that at times. I've got a lot of scripture I can fall on, and examples from our past and stories from so many friends in real life and in bloggyland to remind me that He is indeed holding us and is working out every little detail, all to His glory. One day we'll see how all of this time of great trial has a purpose in the story He is writing for us.
I'm so thankful that I know I'm in His hands.
I'm not going to walk in fear. My friend from college wrote a devotion that spoke directly to me. She said she could hear God speaking to her (and I'm claiming it too!)
"I know you fear this, but you need to know that I will not allow anything to happen to you that is not best for you overall. Even in loss, I will bring good (Romans 8:28). So, do not let the enemy fill your mind and your day with destructive thoughts and feelings about this today. And do not be sad by what you fear. I got ya and I'm fighting for you."
Sweet friends, I do not think I am alone in my experience of fear and emotions. As women, I think we all can get consumed emotionally by things we fear. But God does not want us to live in fear. He wants us to live in full confidence that he is in control, that he loves us, and that he will bring his best for us if we walk in obedience to him.
Be bold today sweet sisters and do not be consumed by fear of loss, fear of betrayal, or fear of the unknown. Be consumed today by God and his love and his sovereign guidance. Turn your fear into an opportunity to express faith in him. Listen to that loving voice and do what he says to do in full confidence that he does not want you to be afraid. And walk boldly today sweet friends. Walk boldly.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
~Romans 8:28