Today has been glorious.
Paul surprised me at work with a beautiful (and huge) bouquet of flowers "just because." My class was intrigued. I introduced him as Mr. Paul, my husband. But throughout the day the kept referring to him as "the dad."
My art class was a success this afternoon. I have been teaching an after school art class to 3-5 year olds every Friday. They sign up by the month. I have 13 kids for March. Never quite sure how my projects will evolve. I think my often lofty endeavors have my assistant nervous most Fridays. Today's project of painting bunnies (one shape to know- all ovals!) and then using chalk pastels to create a background of Easter eggs with dried glue resist that the bunnies got mounted on top of looked beautiful, and it filled the time perfectly. I never know how quickly they will speed through, or if I'm attempting something too complex. I often set the bar high, and they really rise to meet my expectations. Sometimes, I have to "dumb it down" a bit, but not today. It was a good one!
It's a balmy 90 outside. A bit too hot for March for me, but I do prefer warm temperatures and love seeing all the cherry trees in bloom. Lovely!
The girls have been home for almost two hours and have been fight/argument/bicker free. They are doing a play with neighbors and are fully engrossed. I helped cut up a cardboard box and gave them large paper for the backdrop. They wrote the script on notebook paper and highlighted everybody's parts in different colors. They are having so much fun and I love them being outside and using their imaginations.
We hired a neighbor to pain our mailbox post. She cost less than buying the smallest size of the specialty paint color required by our HOA! She showed up today and it looks lovely. A fresh coat of paint makes a world of difference.
It's quiet inside (did I mention the girls are playing wonderfully outside and not asking me every second to settle a squabble?) and I'm relaxing, not thinking at all about the mounds of housework that need to be accomplished this weekend.
Today has been glorious. I needed that.