It's dance recital time!!!
We have dress rehearsal tonight for cast A, rehearsal Thursday for cast B, shows Friday night and Saturday afternoon for cast A and Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon for cast B.
Can you say busy week???
And yes, by "we" I mean all three Girly Girls.
Teagan has two numbers, tap and ballet in cast A.
I have a tap number in cast A.
Piper has three numbers, ballet, jazz and Irish in cast B.
This is my third year as an adult dancer. When we switched dance schools three years ago they asked me at registration if I had considered adult classes. Hmmmm? I danced for 13 years as a child. I signed up for tap (my favorite) and was quickly moved up to the advanced class. It's gotten more complicated and faster and the class size has gotten smaller each year. There are only 5 of us this year. (No where to hide!!)
I'm looking forward to it.
Not so much the costume part, though this year's costume is the most flattering yet.
Better run.... I have hair and make-up to do and need to be out the door in 30 minutes. Wish us luck!
We dance,too!! How cool is that?!! Oh yes. It's May. Dance all month long. Busy,busy. :) trina