Momma is sick.
I'm not so sure anymore it's just allergies getting the better of me.
When the crew got home from church we got into cleaning gear for the day. The girlies emptied out the cabinets and sorted out the plastics, utensils, cookware. We recycled a lot of old mismatched pieces and gathered and stored cups that were too babyish. Sounds simple, but it was a lot of work! We went through a lot of accumulated kitchen gadgets that we don't use and set them aside to try to sell.
Paul was in the garage sorting through the big piles of yardsale-ables donated by my parents and the "good" stuff that didn't sell at the fall sale. I photographed the old stroller and deluxe double stroller and a few higher end items and listed them tonight on cr@isglist.
The girlies came asking for their fun activity of the day. Hmmm? I wasn't up to anything. Paul volunteered to take them to the park and to McD's for ice cream sundaes.
And that is where they are (w/o a camera) while I have some quiet time.
Hopefully I'll feel better for day #3.
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