Yeah, I think that counts for HOT!
We ventured down to Williamsburg for the weekend. The girlies and I have had season passes for Busch G@rdens for several years thanks to my folks. Back in March they sent us a post card advertising the Christian music artists who'd be playing in the summer at Glory at the G@rdens. We were thrilled to see Steven Curtis Ch@pman listed. The concerts are free with park admission. So we marked it on our calendar, got Daddy a pass too and headed off to the gardens.
Saturday was nice. We did a few hours in the late afternoon. It was hot, but we had the water park in Elmo land and an hour of a/c at the Irish dancing show. Spent the night at Nana and Grandpa's house and headed back Sunday afternoon.
Sunday was a completely different story. By 4pm it was 97 degrees with a heat index of 110. And that's good old Virginia humidity heat!
The music venues is out in a field. An open field. Man, was it hot!!
We first saw Francesca Batiste!li and then Bui!ding 429. About 10 minutes before SCC was to take the stage they tracked a fast moving thunderstorm headed right our way. So the entire field of thousands of people had to be cleared. We took refuge in the FestHause in Germany and got dinner while we waited. Then back out with the masses to the soggy field for an amazing concert.
The girlies had a great time at their first concert. They were excited to recognize a lot of the songs and the highlight of their evening was hearing Cinderella live. So cool!!
The concert ended about an hour later than anticipated due to the storm delay. That had us leaving the park right before 9 and after a pit stop home just before midnight. Gave the girlies a quick bath 'cause oh my, were they stinky! Amazed that they got up and out the door for school by 8 this morning.
Wow, you're brave venturing out in the Virginia heat! I know it was worth it, though!!!