Just have to brag on my kid brother Tim. OK, so he's 18 and about to graduate from HS, so I guess not kid anymore. Anyway, he is an amazing self taught guitarist and is on fire for God. He plays in the praise band at his church and has an internship with the sound tech guy (that's the best I can unjustifiably describe it- I know I'm way lacking as this is a big church with a bigger music ministry and the sound guy was a professional concert set up guy and Tim is learning a lot). He has been a big fan of Hillsong for quite some time, and through the amazing capability of technology has been able to contact a Hillsong guitarist and learn some tips and tricks.
Tim was excited to learn that Hillsong would be playing a concert about an hour away. Even more excited to find out his sound tech mentor would be doing the set up. Even better that he was asked to come along and help. So imagine how cool it got when the band asked him to come backstage and hang out. Then Darlene Zschech asked him to go out for dinner with them and come back the next day (he was allowed to skip school for this!). Pretty neat!!

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