We had beautiful weather last weekend. It was perfect, although a bit hot, for our annual neighborhood Spring Carnival.
The girls got to play some carnival style games and win assorted doo-dads as prizes.
We got cotton candy. I think it is their all time favorite treat!!
We took a walk through the park and stopped at the playground bubble station. There was face painting too, but the Girly Girls have never been into that. We ventured a bit farther to the inflatable obstacle course and jumped around for a bit. Had a photo op by the gazebo with daddy. Then it was time for a few trips on the train that made a small loop around a neighborhood street.
Daddy talked to the train operator for a bit, so I took the girls down the hill and they dead headed the flower garden around the flag pole and I got another photo opportunity.
We ended the afternoon taking a few more pictures on the mini-golf course. It was late and the course was closing for the day so we'll have to go back and actually play golf another time.
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