A while back I won a blog makeover. Actually I was the runner-up. The original winner was not able to claim the prize so it went to ultra lucky me!!! I began this blog with the start up template, made a post and then never came back for a year. Now that I am regularly following some bloggy friends and their adoption jorneys and supporting adoption and orphan aid causes I became inspired to attempt to blog more myself. But I had no time to figure out how to spiffy it up. I did all the html coding for my bowtique website, but that took about 9 months of taking online tutorials and a lot of trial and error. Now I get to leave it to a trusted professional...
April of April Showers Blog Design. She donated a re-do to a Mifan Mommy. That's where we 'met'. We both are Mifan Mommies- we donate $9 monthly to supply rice to feed orphans in Anhui. It was started by Kay Bratt. Please go Here and read all about the Mommies and consider joining. And be on the lookout for my new design. I'll be incorporating more of my bowtique and having some bow giveaways. April said it will be ready to go soon!!!
April is doing my new design too!! It's so exciting and she's sooooo talented!!!!!